WebCam Surveyor 2.31 Build 921 Full Portable

Web Cam Surveyor 2.31 Build 921 Full Portable 

Web Cam Surveyor 2.31 Build 921 Full Portable - Adalah Suatu Software Yang Dirancang Untuk Memantau Situasi WebCam CCTV Yang Terpasang Pada Sisi Rumah Atau Jalan Dan Lalu Menghubungkan nya Dengan Software Ini Agar Kita Dapat Memantau Situasi Di Sekitar Dan Tidak Perlu Repot Lagi Software Ini Juga Bisa Mengambil Snapshot Dan Merekam Video. 


  • Broadcasting - webcam live video streaming over Internet/local network
  • Video Capture - easily record a video from your webcam.
  • Capture to multiple video files - view a resulting video during recording.
  • Capture Image Sequences - create a time-lapse video or capture sequence of images with an interval of time of a second to 59 hours.
  • Motion Detection - monitor your office and home and record all motion activity.
  • Motion Capture - record video only when motion is detected.
  • Stealth Mode - hide Webcam Surveyor on your computer and manage it by hot keys.
  • Ease of Use and Compatibility.
 Link Download:

Design By Rhizkie - Welcome Rhizkie4u